About Me

I'm a software engineer focused on the human computer interaction between people, and the applications they use day to day. At Yext I help build and maintain the applications that generate our pages. Together our service hosts millions of static pages receiving +5 billion views in a year (2021), chances are you've already visited one.

My Sites

  • 📸


    My photo gallery separated out into easily browsable collections, just keep scrolling.


  • JAMStack

    A web ideology that relies on javascript, API calls, and prerendered markup to move processing off the server. Sites built on the JamStack can be smaller, cheaper, and more performant applications.

  • Web Components

    A collection of web technologies that enable the creation of custom elements to encapsulate UI components on the shadow DOM. With web components custom interactions can be better abstracted and used throughout an application or across the organization.

Work History

  • Yext



    I work on creating the developer environment and experience building on the Pages product. This involves communicating with third-party developers through the main open-source offering, as well as developing auxiliary quality of life products like a component library or a reverse proxy network solution.

    Want to work with me?
  • Cohere


    Established a design system, to reduce development time and standarize common code across the team. The component based system serves as a layer between web elements and company patterns.

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Chronological Site List

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Structured Data

  • Name: Tristan Timblin
  • Origin: Virginia, US
  • Birthday: June 11
  • Hobbies:
    • Photography
    • Running
    • Drawing
  • Alumni: Drexel University
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 190lbs
  • About: I love to create things and be outside, summer is by far my favorite season.

Server Information

Site Purpose

This site aims to be a source of truth for my internet presence. It keeps track of the sites I've been a part of, both for work and fun. It's also marked up as structured data for experimenting with indexing my personal profile.

  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Domain: tristantimblin.dev
  • Host: Netlify
  • Creation: 2019-09-14T20:22:57Z